Alesha - Year 1 - Rookie Of the Year

#4 On MLS out of 3800 Agents

112 Deals - 98 Listings

Year 2 - #5 On MLS out of 3800 Agents

104 Deals - 94 Listings

CEO & Founder Shares how he turned 50+ Years of marketing in the Real Estate Industry into a proprietary platform that generates leads with NO COLD CALLING!
"Nothing has changed in 50 years - they had FSBO's, expireds, builders & of course your sphere of influence. We marketed to them 50 years ago! The ONLY thing that has changed is how we market to them & it is 99% online. You WILL do deals if you use this"
Kim - 15 Years Experience - 27 Listing leads - 2 signed listings - 1 listing sold - total flyers dropped off 1050
Jim - 28 Years Experience - 4 Listings from a monthly mail out in 90 days NO DOOR KNOCKING
Peter Pfann 38 Year Pro Shares Why He Uses This Platform For Himself & His Team!

We build Marketing Funnels that run 24/7 for you!

Trusted and Referred provides a comprehensive range of real estate technology and marketing services to empower agents, teams, and brokerages. Our portfolio consists of multiple ways that offer a unified solution for acquiring new leads, managing client relationships, and enhancing existing client retention. With Trusted and Referred, you can access a single source, vendor, and point of contact, simplifying your real estate operations and boosting your success in the industry.

Bad Leads = High Cost

The Cost of Low-Quality Leads

Poor leads can be costly. You'll spend valuable time, money, and resources attempting to convert them, and end up switching from lead service to lead service, all in the hopes of achieving a different outcome. However, unless you try a completely different approach, these issues will continue to persist.

Learn from success

Discover the Impact of Our Services and Witness Results

Desiree King Gets Some Gold on Evergreen Lead Generating.
Alesha - Year 1 - Rookie Of the Year

#4 On MLS out of 3800 Agents

112 Deals - 98 Listings

Year 2 - #5 On MLS out of 3800 Agents

104 Deals - 94 Listings

Lyle, 30 Year Real Estate Veteran,

Sharing his thoughts on our system

Andy, REALTOR® Team Leader

Hear Andy Campbell's comment on our system

Mathew, Head of KV Core Training Canada

Hear what Mathew Head of KV Core training Canada has to say!

15 Years Experience
- 29 Listing leads - 2 signed listings - 1 listing sold - total flyers dropped off 1050

Jim 28 Year Experience
4 Listings in 5 Months

Hear Jim's comment on our system


Hear what Ritchard has to say

Bonnie Newbie

Hear what Bonnie has to say

Dimitri 3 Years

Hear what Dimitri has to say

Kyle Mortgage Broker

Hear what Kyle has to say

Nikki 16 Years Experience

Hear what Nikki has to say

Alice 28 Year Experience

Hear what Alice, has to say

Vu Newbie

Hear what Vule, has to say

Nina 6 years Experience

Hear what Nina has to say


Hear what Tamara has to say


We empower real estate agents with a value-first listing acquisition system, giving them the tools and knowledge to succeed.


We're committed to unlocking growth opportunities for agents, helping them expand their businesses and achieve higher profits.


Trust is the cornerstone of our values. We aim to build trust with agents by delivering on our promises and providing reliable solutions.


We aspire to be a service so exceptional that agents not only trust us but also enthusiastically refer our services to their peers, creating a community of success and shared growth.

Empowering Impact, Amplifying Success

Explore the stories of our clients who have experienced remarkable growth with our assistance

Edward B.

eXp Icon Agent


Trusted and Referred Lead Generating program has exceeded all my expectations. I was looking for a lead generation solution that would help me get in front of the right clients. Trusted and Referred has done just that. Their leads are highly qualified, and their marketing materials are top-notch. I have been able to close more deals and increase my revenue thanks to Trusted and Referred. I highly recommend them to any real estate agent who wants to take their business to the next level.

Marietta M.P.



I was skeptical about using Trusted and Referred Lead Generating program at first, but I'm so glad I decided to give it a try! As a real estate agent, getting qualified leads is essential to my success. With Trusted and Referred, I no longer have to spend hours cold-calling unqualified leads. Their platform is easy to use, and their support team is always available to help with any questions or issues. I would highly recommend Trusted and Referred to any real estate agent who wants to streamline their lead generation process and get better results.




Trusted and Referred Lead Generating program has completely transformed my real estate business. Getting qualified leads can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. With Trusted and Referred, I get a consistent flow of qualified leads with real names, phone numbers, and emails. Thanks to Trusted and Referred, I have been able to focus on what I do best - selling homes!

Time to rev up your sales and overflow your pipeline with listing opportunities!

**Do Not schedule if you’re not licensed real estate agents in the US or Canada.**

© Copyright Trusted and Referred Ventures 2023 | All Rights Reserved